Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Weekly wrap up #11-12: Conculsion

I was able to finish my testing for all modification. Unfortunately the the ducted props did not work.
Quadcopter w/ Ducted Prop
It was not able to sustain its own weight as it weigh 2 times the original weight. So for the endurance trials were all null. However for the thrust trials, to test if the ducted prop actually worked, I got a reading of 2.7 N. When I tested it without the ducted prop, I got a reading of 4 N.
Thrust test w/out Ducts
Thrust test w/ Ducts

That means the Ducted Prop did not work. Some theories behind it not working:
1. Too heavy (thinner walls and smaller)
2. Needs to be precise between the blade and the Duct
3. curvature to increase aerodynamics

The finish trials of the Ducted Props conclude my experimental phase. I am currently creating a presentation and a lab report that will detail my full analysis and experience with this project. I will update my blog with the lab report.

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