Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekly Wrap Up #1

According to the syllabus this week I am suppose to start building my control quadcopter and start reading the research papers. So far I have read paper Influence of Aerodynamics on Quadrotor Dynamics, and bought the parts for the quadcopter. With the research Mannat and I have conducted separately, we were able to help each other and list down the appropriate the equations that will help with our projects. And just a clarification, Mannat and I are doing separate projects just the same object of manipulation. He is working on how to increase vertical speed of a quadcopter, while I am working on the endurance of the quadcopter. Here are some pictures of the work we have done so far:

The picture above describes the standard thrust equation 

This picture depicts the the different dimensions of the quadcopter: pitch, roll, and yaw and the equation to calculate that particular dimension. The the equation in the bottom corner is the equation to calculate vertical speed. 

The picture conveys the static thrust equation for the quadcopter. We were able to derive it to prove that in order for the quadcopter to hover it must be equation to its mass x gravity. We also found out that power is portional to thrust, but inversely proportional to diameter. This particular information will help out my research into blade length and thrust.

This picture is similar to the last but we added the equation of the theoretical flight time of my quadcopter with the battery I will be using. The maximum time should be about 5.2 minutes. But with all the environmental factors and inefficiencies of the quadcopter, I am predicting about an actual 3 mins of flight time. The goal is to reach as close to 5.2 minutes.

All of the work and equations we have done so far will be put into a engineering notebook. I plan to post pictures of the notebook in the future. For week 2 I plan to continue my research and build the control quadcopter.

-Adriane Inocencio

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