Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Weekly wrap up #9-11: data

Sorry for the lack of post for the last few weeks. Due to experiment testing, work, and preparations to head to Kentucky for the Vex World Championships, my posting have been delayed. However as my project is almost coming to a end, I have tried my best to fulfill the original question of my project: increasing endurance of the quadcopter.

As far for testing procedures I followed the first one which was the PVC setup and the timing of how long the quadcopter will last (as depicted with the picture).
2 prop
3 prop
4 prop
This setup allowed me to to control the quadcopter through my computer and ensure each trial has an equal amp usage. I did the same setup for the the extended arm experiment .

Extended arms
 But I did a trial where I didn't extend arms rather incorporate weight to test if the weight of the arms had anything to do with the endurance.

With the short amount of time I have I could not follow the flight test procedures. The time to be able to learn how to fly the quadcopter and tune the quadcopter to be able to hover without swaying will be at least another 3 weeks.

This is what I have for data:

currently I don't have data for ducted prop because I am still waiting on materials to be shipped for me to undergo its construction.

What this data is saying so far the as we increase prop number the endurance goes down. It seems like even though thrust is increasing the flight time is decreasing, I feel there might be a negative correlation between thrust and endurance. However my findings will be confirmed once I start the ducted prop test.

In terms of the extend arm prop it seems the endurance is the same for the 2 prop.  The theory behind this was that the extended arms was suppose to to decrease vibrations that would happened during the flight. The extended arms allow increase amount of stability however comes with the cost of the extra weight. It seems both the negative and positive aspects are working here. The stability of the quadcopter allows an small increase of flight time however the extra weight seems to decrease it (we know its a the weight problem because of the "weight from extended arm test").

Once I finish the ducted prop test I will update my blog and go forth with my conclusion.

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